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is coming in February ... Sales painting exhibition of the slovenian artist Predrag Szilvassy in Atlantida Boutique hotel

Hotel gallery ( 1. floor )
Von 15. 1. 2025 bis 28. 4. 2025

Predrag Szilvassy - TAURUS

Born on 1/5/1967 in Karlovac, Croatia.
He attended primary and secondary school in Karlovac.
He studied art at the Art House in Ljubljana.
He has so far exhibited his artworks at 32 solo exhibitions and participated in more than 100
group exhibitions at home and abroad.
He lives and works in Slovenia and Croatia.

4 elements dominate the artistic poetics of the author: Earth, Fire, Water and Air.
He is interested in feeling and depth, relief, dynamics of art work, multi-layeredness... He combines art work with
the written word, symbols and messages.
The artist often uses unconventional materials in his work. Picture on cardboard, wooden
or special bases. He basically uses acrylics, but combines them with polishes, gold or
with silver leaves, bitumen, shellac... He collages a lot and builds a relief textured surface of the picture,
which itself communicates with the viewer, regardless of the main motive.
He is particularly intrigued by portraiture, as the most demanding category in painting, but he is also interested
abstraction and its coexistence with figurative art.
Recently, he has also been creating sculptures and graphics that will be on display at the announced event.
Along with the works of art, the author's poems will also be presented, which were often the inspiration for the created works.
He signs his creations with TAURUS.

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